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Build an OS Image with Packer

SquareOS Image


The OS image, kernel and initramfs can be downloaded:

Build from scratch

The packer-recipes directory inside the git repository contains examples of Packer configuration files.

packer {
required_plugins {
qemu = {
source = ""
version = "~> 1"

variable "boot_wait" {
type = string
default = "3s"

variable "disk_size" {
type = string
default = "50G"

variable "iso_checksum" {
type = string
default = "11e42da96a7b336de04e60d05e54a22999c4d7f3e92c19ebf31f9c71298f5b42"

variable "iso_url" {
type = string
default = ""

variable "memsize" {
type = string
default = "2048"

variable "numvcpus" {
type = string
default = "4"

source "qemu" "compute_bare" {
accelerator = "kvm"
boot_command = ["<up><tab><bs><bs><bs><bs><bs> inst.ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.bare.cfg inst.cmdline<enter><wait>"]
boot_wait = "${var.boot_wait}"
communicator = "none"
cpus = "${var.numvcpus}"
disk_size = "${var.disk_size}"
headless = true
http_directory = "http"
iso_checksum = "${var.iso_checksum}"
iso_url = "${var.iso_url}"
memory = "${var.memsize}"
cpu_model = "host"
qemuargs = [["-serial", "stdio"]]
shutdown_timeout = "3h"
vnc_bind_address = ""

build {
sources = ["source.qemu.compute_bare"]

When running Packer, the process is the following:

  • Launch an HTTP server that serves the http directory.
  • Launch a VM and a VNC session.
  • Boot on the ISO and enter the boot_command to load the RedHat Kickstart file from HTTP.
  • Run the Kickstart RedHat file. This file automates the installation process of the OS.
  • Shut down the VM.

Configure the installation process by editing the http/ks.bare.cfg.

The packages and post blocks are probably what you are interested in.

Run packer with:

packer build -var "numvcpus=6" -var "memsize=8000" compute.bare.pkr.hcl

Extracting the kernel, initramfs and create a squashfs for Grendel

There the script which can help you extract the kernel, initramfs and create a squashfs.

You must run it by root.
# Mount the disk
source ./scripts-local/setup-nbd

# Extract initramfs and kernel

# Squash the image
OUTPUT=squareos-9.2.squashfs ./scripts-local/squash-root

# Unmount the disk
source ./scripts-local/teardown-nbd